Here we are…it’s 2025!
January is just this glorious, fresh start kind of time, is it not?
As I write this the sun is literally streaming through my window, and I am SO filled with hope and joy for this new year.
Now, I get it. You may very well not be quite as, “sun shiny filled with hope” as I am right now, and that’s OK! I often get feedback that I can be a little bit too…shall we say…perky?
BUT, if you are reading this, I know that on some level you are looking at this year coming up and you are interested in some type of growth as we move right on into 2025.
No matter how you are feeling right now, the most important thing that you need to think about when you are setting your goal (or goals!) in 2025 is that they should feel good.
When you think about your goal it should be something that makes you happy and lights you up.
It should feel like a bit of a stretch, but it should feel good. Curious about how to get there? Let’s go ahead and dive right in!
Step 1: Consider How You Want to FEEL in 2025
Here’s the deal, my friend. Lean in a little bit, and listen carefully.
Everything we do in our lives we do in order to feel a certain way.
One more time for the folks in the back!
Everything we do, from the moment we get up, to the moment we fall asleep, is to feel a certain way.
Even the things we don’t want to do! We go to work so that we can earn money so that we can feel the security of being able to buy our food and have a roof over our heads.
We stand in front of the fridge and the pantry trying to find something in there, anything, that will actually make us feel better about whatever BS is going on in our lives. For example, maybe we don’t want to feel stressed anymore, we want to relax or even feel numb, so we eat.
I bet it seems pretty obvious now that you think about it in this way, but acknowledging this is so important to understanding and choosing your goals for 2025.
Grab yourself that handy journal (you know I love a good journal), or a blank google doc, and ask yourself how you want to feel.
Do you want to feel good? Or, do you want to feel strong? Maybe you want to feel energized? Vibrant? What does this look like to you? Write it down!
Spend a little time sitting with both what you want to feel and how you want to be in 2025. This will be super helpful as we move onto step 2.
Step 2: Brainstorm Some Goals That Will Help You Feel the Way You Want to Feel
Now that you know how you want to feel during 2025, brainstorm some concrete goals that will bring you closer to that kind of feeling.
For example, maybe you want to feel strong in 2025. What will help you feel stronger? Maybe, like me, you have been putting off strength training your whole life and you want to settle on a strength training goal for 2025.
Or, you want to specifically be stronger on the bike, so your goal is to increase either your speed, distance, or number of bike rides per week in 2025.
Perhaps you want to feel awesome in your clothes, in your own skin. When you look in the mirror you want to feel freaking amazing. Sure, this could result in a weight loss goal or a number you want to see on the scale, but maybe, just maybe you want to work on changing the way you think about yourself, about what’s in the mirror, about that number.
Step 3: Pick Your Primary Goal
Now, in step 3 we are going to take a look at those goals we wrote down and find one that lights us up. What goal really encompasses what you truly want to feel in 2025.
Make sure it is something specific that you can measure. Think something along the lines of “I want to strength train three times a week in 2025” vs. “I want to be strong.”
Circle it. Highlight it. Write it out again, and again, and again.
I saw a social media post recently where Marie Forleo said she would re-write her goals for the year every single day.
I have started doing this for 2025, and I can tell you it’s a game-changer. It is keeping me laser focused on what I want the most out of this year, and is so much more powerful than writing it once and tucking it away!
I used to just write mine once and stick it on my computer as a reminder…but honestly after a few weeks I stopped even noticing it even though it was right there!
Now that I am writing my goals down every day I am constantly reminded of exactly what it is that I want to accomplish this year. I am sure I will miss a day here and there, but I am committed to coming back to it and re-writing it as often as possible in order to keep my goal front of mind.
You can choose more than one goal, but make sure that you have a primary goal. In other words, when all else fails, what is the one goal that fulfills your deepest, burning desire for 2025?
You need one thing that when all else fails, when you can only take steps towards one thing, to shoot for.
Step 4: Brainstorm Concrete, Measurable Steps Towards Your Goal
Your Next step is one of the most fun! This is where we think of what we can actually DO to achieve our goals.
If your goal is to strength train three times a week, what do you need to do in order to make that happen? Do you need to get some weights? Find a personal trainer? Research some apps? Schedule time in your week?
Or, if your goal is to lose 50 pounds in 2025 (this was my 2020 goal), what do you need to do in order to make that happen? Maybe it’s plan your food daily. Find ways to incorporate movement into your week regularly. Deal with your emotional eating. That sort of list.
Make a list of all of the things that you need to do in order to accomplish your goal. If you don’t know what you need to do, you can google it, brainstorm with a friend, or send me an email at [email protected]. I can help point you in the right direction!
Step 5: DO Something
Take a look at that list that you brainstormed of concrete, measurable steps, and pick the one thing that you can start today. Like possibly even as soon as you put your pen and paper or computer down.
What small, tiny little thing can you do today to bring you just a little bit closer to your goal? Do that thing. Make it a habit.
If you want to strength train more, can you do 10 squats right now? Set up a time each day when you can do 10 of something to make your body just a little bit stronger?
The idea isn’t to wait for motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing, that often doesn’t just come!
Instead, you want to start building momentum. Once you get solid on doing one of the steps towards your goal you can lean in and and focus on the next step, and the next one.
We just need to work on using discipline to build habits. That is what makes for long-term change. Keep the ball rolling, keep moving forward, keep taking actions towards that goal.
A Final Note
We all want to feel good. What that specifically means to each of us will vary of course, but I think that we will likely have common themes.
We want to have fun moving our bodies. We want the satisfaction of taking care of ourselves and putting good food into our bodies (sometimes that is healthy, sometimes not so much, but it all makes us feel good.
Setting a goal in 2025 that makes you feel the way you want to feel is going to be so much more meaningful than something you just happen to think that you should do.
Find a goal that really lights you up. That gives you chills. That makes you feel something good.
Write it down. Not just once. But over, and over, and over again. Each day do a little something that brings you one step closer to your goal.
Share your goal with someone. Anyone! Not sure who to share it with?
Email me at [email protected] and share it with me. Or DM me on Instagram.
I will support you. I will cheer you on. You can accomplish this goal, and if you don’t believe it yet? I will believe it for you until you do.
Let’s have a freaking phenomenal 2025 together, my friend.
Ride on!
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