I cannot tell you how much I love December and the holidays.
The hustle and bustle, the shopping, the wrapping, the good food…I lean into it and embrace it because I know that it’s all going to be over soon!
Sure there are times where I feel a bit overwhelmed or busy, and am worried I won’t get everything done, but mostly I am just loving the season.
Another reason why I am a huge fan of December is that I get the opportunity to reflect on the past year and what I have done or achieved.
Sometimes I have done BIG things…like losing 50 pounds.
Other times, I have done OTHER types of big things, like getting out in the world and connecting with women who ride bikes. Not as easy to measure, but just as awesome.
You see, this time of year is the PERFECT time to start thinking about the next year, and what you want to achieve.
What kinds of goals do you want to set? What do you want to achieve? WHY do you want to achieve it? How do you want to FEEL going into the new year?
Are you ready to choose an awesome, meaningful weight loss or biking goal for 2024? Read on for my easy, step by step process to picking your 2024 goal.
Step 1: Brainstorm and DREAM
The very first thing that you need to do if you want to set a fantastic goal for 2024 is set aside some time to brainstorm and dream.
You are going to need at least 5-10 minutes for this exercise.
Grab yourself a notebook and pen (my style!) or a google doc/blank word doc/note app on your phone and free write about your dreams.
Who do you really want to be at the end of 2024? In five years? In ten years?
Nothing is off the table here. These are your dreams.
What do you want the future version of yourself to be like? How does she think? How does she feel?
Get to know her. Intimately.
What kind of results does she have? Ask yourself, what does her body feel like? What kind of food choices is she making? How often is she riding her bike? How does she feel when she’s riding it?
You might be tempted to skip this step because you already have an idea of what you want your 2024 goal to be, but please don’t!
When we take just a small chunk of time to really let ourselves dream of the woman and person we want to be in the future, then we start to visualize and paint a picture of the life that we want to have.
This is the place that we want to set our goals from.
Step 2: Choose Your Goal
This is super important. I want you too pick ONE THING that will bring you closer to the woman you DREAM of being…both on AND off the bike.
Pick something that is a little bit of a stretch for you, BUT something that excites you.
Something that you really want to achieve.
This, my friend, is your 2024 goal.
So, for example, maybe you want to feel amazing in your body both on and off the bike 5 years from now, and your goal is to lose x number of pounds in 2024 to get there.
Now this is a great, measurable goal for many women, but ask yourself how it makes you feel to set a goal like this.
Does it light you up and make you feel good? Does it excite you?
If the answer is no…then ask yourself what DOES.
It might be that what you REALLY want is to get on the bike 3-5 times a week. Maybe you don’t really care about weight loss, and what you care about is feeling good and feeling strong.
If that’s the case, then make riding 3-5 times a week your goal.
Only YOU can set a goal for yourself. Someone in your life may want something FOR you, but if it’s not what YOU want it’s just not going to work.
Even if you achieve that goal, it’s not going to make you feel the way a goal you achieve that is truly your own will make you feel.
Step 3: Commit to the Goal
This is where you decide how long you are going to commit to this goal.
It can be for the entire year of 2024, or it can be just a month! The beauty of this is that YOU get to decide how long your commitment is going to be.
You can decide that you are going to commit to the goal of riding your bike x times a week or losing x number of pounds for 30 days. Then, at the end of 30 days you are going to check in with yourself and see how it feels/see how it’s going. After this you can evaluate where you are at.
For example, I like to set a yearly goal and then check in with myself every month to see if I am happy with the progress and see if I still even WANT the goal that I set out to achieve.
A lot of times we THINK we want something…like we want to lose 30 pounds to look good in a bathing suit, but when we check in with ourselves we realize that we just want to be confident and happy in our body.
If losing 30 lbs isn’t going to actually get you what you want, then it makes sense to be open to shifting or changing your goal.
A Final Note
At the end of the day, when you take the time to set a goal for 2024 from a place of truly understanding the woman you want to become, you will find a goal that means something really powerful to you.
It will be a goal that lights you up, and is something that you actually want to achieve.
When our goals are meaningful to us, and bring us closer to our dreams, we are SO much more motivated to actually work towards them.
Therefore, in this busy season, see what you can do to carve out just a few minutes to brainstorm what you want your future to look like, and choose one concrete thing that you can achieve in 2024 to bring you down that path.
You’ve got this. I believe in you. I absolutely KNOW that you can set and achieve your goals.
Ride on!
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